Sunday, October 11, 2015

Little Jarrod


Welcome to the world, little Jarrod. 

Jarrod was a month old when we did this photoshoot in mid August. Being Jin Yuan and Alan's close friends, we are not used to have a new member in their family. Two days after Jarrod was born, I told Gary:" Let's go visit Jarrod." "Who's Jarrod?" Gary asked...

Thank God that Jin Yuan had a smooth labour giving birth to Jarrod. It was 3.15 o'clock in the afternoon on 2nd of July 2015, I received a message from Jin Yuan:" Wei Wei, I am going into labour later at 6pm." I was panicking  and don't know what to do! Ok, I know I had to calm down, so I asked Jin Yuan did she need help in looking after McCaela, cooking dinner or walking Jinger etc. Gary and I were praying the whole evening for her smooth labour. We were excited and couldn't wait to see how the new baby boy will look like.

Here he is, cuddles in his parents' arms like a baby koala. He is a huge baby. Obviously the size of a baby boy is larger than a baby girl, and a baby boy gets hungry faster than a baby girl. It was funny to hear that the supply of Jin Yuan's breast milk couldn't catch up with Jarrod's demand.

Is McCaela jealous of her little didi (means brother in Mandarin)? I guess a little bit, she becomes more clingy to her parents and sometimes doesn't allow them to carry Jarrod.

How does Jinger the dog feels about the new baby? "Well, here comes another bully..." Jinger would said... 
Haha Jinger was too cute. She was proud to be part of the family photos. She positioned herself, sat still beside Alan and faced the camera every time we were taking a family photos on the couch. 

Dear Jin Yuan and Alan, I am so proud of both of you. It's my honour to be able to take a family photo for you each year. Thank you so much for letting us to be part of the children's life, watch them grow, hold their hands, kiss them and play with them.

Just when I was writing this blog, Jin Yuan and Alan were walking Jinger at the dog park in front of my apartment. What an coincidence! I got to hold little Jarrod in my arms, he smiled at me. Jinger sat beside us, my dog Headie tried to kiss Jarrod, and McCaela played at the park. What a lovely evening with the family.

Being a parent is not an easy task: waking up every two hours to feed little Jarrod, McCaela is sick and grumpy, Jinger has to go for a walk, there is hardly time for you to cook dinner etc... Despite of all the tiredness, both of you are so strong as a couple and you raise the children very well. I am sorry that we spend less time with you and couldn't help you much because of our increasing workloads. I am sure that McCaela and Jarrod will made you proud one day. All the love and sacrifices that you made today would be worth it. 

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